Preparing your home for an emergency

An emergency can strike at almost any time. Whether it is a tornado, a flood, or a winter freeze, being prepared will make the whole situation a lot less stressful. At Boss Insurance Agency in Kingwood, TX, we have 15 years of experience helping our clients find reliable and affordable insurance coverage. As an independent insurance agency, our loyalty is to our customers, not to one particular carrier which allows us to provide more choices, and ultimately, you will get the best possible deal. 

Stock up

You won’t always have a warning, but when you get into the season where emergencies are likely to pop up, make sure you have at least a 7-day supply of necessities, including water. Keep in mind that if you lose power, you may not have tap water or a flushing toilet. 

Have a generator

Having a generator can make all the difference between sweltering in a hot home or sitting in your cooled home. It also helps keep your food from spoiling in your refrigerator or freezer. You don’t have to spend a fortune to have this backup. Be sure to have enough fuel to fill it up at least once. 

Have an evacuation route

Plan ahead with the entire family. Know where you are supposed to meet and the route you will take to get to safety. This plan can save lives. Review your plan frequently and make any changes you need to make it work. 

Have your important papers together

If you are in danger you may forget where things are. Have all your important papers in one place preferably in a fire and waterproof container that you can grab and take with you in the event you are forced to evacuate. Your home insurance policy should be in the container as well as your inventory. 

Contact Boss Insurance Agency in Kingwood, TX with your home insurance needs.